What can you expect
Enhanced Features
If you actively use the app, you may have noticed that some fields cannot be edited. If not, you don't need to read further. We are currently actively working on an update that will allow this.
App Environment
We plan to adjust the app for a more pleasant user experience.
Exporting Transactions to PDF
We understand that even in today's world, people still like having information on paper, so we plan to add the ability to export transactions and account statuses.
Premium Plan
Once the app is fully ready, we will launch a second plan that will allow you to have an overview of family accounts, unlock enhanced statistics, and a second view specifically for accounts of which you are not the direct owner.
Mobile App
A mobile phone app is not currently our main priority. We plan to launch the app after the Premium plan is released. Until then, you can use our web interface, which we have designed to be fully functional and user-friendly even on smaller screens.